Total commander
Total commander

An extensive ecosystem of plugins provide hundreds of add-on capabilities, of which Table 3 lists the 26 I find most useful, everything from a built-in lightweight Phonebook app, to viewers for Word documents (without loading Word) and spreadsheets (without loading Excel) to batch converting high-res images to low-res for quick uploading or use in documents.Total Commander’s key features, in 12 screens.

total commander

  • Core conveniences include built-in packer/unpacker, FTP client, full Regex search, full-featured file difference comparator, fine-grained directory synchronization, built-in command line, batch file processing capability, multi-file renaming, comprehensive file viewer, and dozens of additional small efficiencies.
  • Table 2: Total Commander – 16 Core Capabilities If TC is a V6 sports car, then Windows Explorer is like riding a bicycle.
  • This keyboard orientation delivers unmatched efficiency, allowing proficient users to blaze through file management operations.
  • Its objective is to allow the user to perform a large number of file manipulation actions quickly and efficiently, without having to resort to the mouse (see table 2).
  • Total Commander (TC) is a powerful two-panel file manager for Windows PC.
  • What is Total Commander, and should you switch away from Explorer? He had become a master at using those tools.

    total commander total commander

    He had in that toolbox everything that he needed, nothing superfluous. The essence of his approach was to be completely self-reliant on his own portable toolbox. He switched seamlessly between Windows (using Total Commander) and Linux (using Midnight Commander), dropped into assembly code, manually sent binary commands over a serial communication line with SST to test the handshaking protocol, and hacked his way to figuring out the protocols. Marek’s first move after logging into the crusty Win98 machine was to install his customized copy of Total Commander (the version was 4.51 back then) which had in it everything he needed to deep dive, drill in, diagnose, stitch together, or prototype. We were collaborating on reverse-engineering the legacy BioSonics digital transducer as the first step in building a real-time embedded control system to replace the performance limited Windows 98 interface. I’ve been using TC since 2001, when I saw it in action used by the brilliant electrical engineer & programmer Marek Moszynski, professor at Technical University of Gdansk and cross-affiliated at the Polish Space Agency. Total Commander – by Christian Ghisler, configured for personal preference

    Total commander